Why LGC?
Two points to address here, why now, and why Learner Generated Contexts?
Why Now?
The LGC group all have personal histories of disrupted education. We have all failed in education in our own unique way, but of course you always succeed in education in the same way.
Each of us had our reasons for embracing LGC’s. The truth of this is hidden in our personal histories, but will inform this presentation; we all are absolutely passionate about being “agile intermediaries” in the learning process.
Ideas for LGC emerged at a meeting organised last year to develop and move on from the ideas of Last Friday Mob; who were concerned to identify why Public ICT projects failed (Clue: they need to be Participative, Interactive and Creative). Indeed we think our common concerns focus around “Participation” - participative technology, participative education, participative democracy.
Why Learner-Generated Contexts?
We were all initially excited at the thought of engaging with “User Generated Content” but felt that this was already sufficiently hyped with contentious practices by traditional institutions emerging as the public embraced new Digital Media; this looks like classically recuperated disruption. What excited us about User Generated Contexts and Learner Generated Contexts is the thought that this is where the substantive debates about the systemic value of User Generated Content (and Web 2.0) will take place.
So what issues do we feel need to be addressed if we want to understand and contextualise the affordances of disruptive technology? We attempted to address this at a workshop (LKL - Sept 07) earlier this month and the rest of this wiki 'presentation' incorporates snapshots of our discussions at that event. As the web 2.0 meme map says “it is an attitude not a technology”, so let us look at the attitudes that each of us brought to LGC.
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