


Questions at LKL 07 Discuss these Questions  


  1. What are the contexts in which content is generated, and how can technologies support this creative process for learners?
  2. How has technology changed over the last 15 years (or so) and what has this meant for people's activities?
  3. How have pedagogies changed during this time?
  4. How have people's social and educational mobility changed during this time?
  5. How would we like technology to change over the next n years (or so) and what should this mean for people's activities?
  6. If Web 2.0 could be described as the re-aggregation of media, do we now need World 2.0; the re-aggregation of life?
  7. What would that look like?
  8. How could/should pedagogies change?
  9. Should there be more emphasis on helping people set their own goals, on supporting metacognition, motivation and personal epistemic development?
  10. How could/should people's social and educational mobility change?
  11. Should we be exploring the administrative, organisational and curricular boundaries in learning contexts and consider how technologies might make them more permeable?
  12. Is ‘preferred’ learning context the same as ‘best’ learning context?
  13. Given the issue of widening participation, are we assuming that learners always know the best way for them to learn?
  14. If learners haven’t had exposure to other contexts, how much can they be expected to generate the ‘right’ context for optimal learning?
  15. Is ownership the same as personalisation? Are we using either term correctly? Should we be calling this customisation? Should we talking instead in terms of ‘control’?
  16. If Learner Generated Contexts are the answer to enabling the affordances of Disruptive Technologies to transform traditional learning then what issues have to be addressed in developing new learning processes?
  17. What issues do we feel need to be addressed if we want to understand and contextualise the affordances of disruptive technology?
  18. If ownership is the right term, then can you have real ownership if this is only temporary?
  19. Can you have partial ownership?
  20. Have we got the right to give them any ownership of the learning space? What is our own ownership of the space?
  21. What engagement strategies are required to promote community learning?
  22. How can dialogue between diverse social stakeholders in contested social spaces be encouraged and sustained to promote community learning?
  23. What is the significance of trust building to these processes?
  24. How do diverse stakeholders make sense of their learning needs and apply what they learn to the benefit of the community?
  25. Can we identify an e-enabled iteration of Public Value? (Policy 2.0)?
  26. Can we build better stakeholder relationships in education?
  27. Can we develop participatory and democratic processes in the education system?
  28. Can we develop frameworks for enabling and recognising the co-design and co-creation of learning? 


Questions at CAL 07


Q. How will you account for Incidental Learning?

A. I think it is a question of designing for "unintended outcomes" and both learner and practitioner being able to recognise their value?