Miscellaneous Amateurs

Miscellaneous Amateurs

A presentation by Wilma Clark



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Damn the Amateurs or embrace the Miscellaneous?

The Keen / Weinberger Dichotomy




The Four Dimensions of the Debate

Keen - Authority and Canon; Weinberger - Expertise and Process


The Role of the Teacher

Authority, Audience and Agency 


Creating our own Knowledge

A vessel to be filled or a fire to be kindled?


Some Examples

Learner, Teacher, Community


Joe Dale: Integrating ICT into the MFL Classroom (Languages Teacher at Nodehill School on the Isle of Wight and SSAT Lead Practitioner) - using blogs, podcasting, etc. in the classroom.

Chris Fuller: Facing the currently unknown and Edgehill Spanish Blog (Spanish Teacher at Edgehill College in Devon) - using blogs, podcasts, mobile phones, etc. in the classroom. 

Sharon Tonner: TechnoTeacher (Teacher at Dundee High School),  Voices of the World Wiki and Community - using blogs, wikis, video, mobiles, allsorts, in the classroom.

Classroom 2.0: a social networking site for teachers, educators, etc. interested in Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies in education.


Open and Closed Systems

Institution, Trust and the Learner


The LGC "Open Context" Model

Strategies for understanding and developing LGCs





(2007) Weinberger, D. Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder"

(2007) Keen, A. The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture and Assaulting our Economy

(2007) Fora TV, Weinberger, D. and Keen, A., Debate: The Value of Authority in a Connected World, available online at: http://fora.tv/2007/07/27/David_Weinberger_and_Andrew_Keen







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