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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago



We are interested in developing the idea of a learning continuum from Pedagogy through Andragogy to Heutagogy as part of a process in education where the "teacher" is developing learning skills in the learner. 


In the e-mature learner John Anderson characterised this as "in pedagogy, what is to be learnt, and how, is both determined and directed by the teacher; in andragogy, it is determined by the teacher and directed by the learner; in heutagogy, both determination and direction shift to the learner. Normally, concepts of pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy are associated with age, sector or the formal stage of leaner development - for example, pedagogy with schools, andragogy with adult education and heutagogy with doctoral research". (See the OGY page for an elaboration of this).


We would argue that learners have to be equipped to manage their own learning and that we need to be educating them in those skills through an understanding of this "PAH continuum".


From the Learner Generated Contexts perspective there is a nice quote from Eberle and Childress (2007): "Rigidly structured environments are not conducive to heutagogy" suggesting heutagogy requires creativity and responsibility and the "mutual" development of learning; heutagogy as a factor in the co-creation of learning?


Another way of describing this development process could be that of developing cognition, meta-cognition and epistemic cognition in the learner, see Katerina Avramides' work on epistemic cognition.


Some comments on the PAH (Pedgaogy, Andragogy, Heutagogy) Continuum are being captured here



deli.cio.us; http://del.icio.us/jarustad/Heutagogy 

From Andragogy to Heutagogy; http://ultibase.rmit.edu.au/Articles/dec00/hase2.htm

Heutagogy 2007; http://www.nssa.us/journals/2007-28-1/2007-28-1-04.htm 

Epistemic Cognition; http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~collinl/AIED07/Papers/Avramides.pdf


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