
LKL Workshop 12 September 2007


Presentation by Peter Day  

Debate 3: If you are a teacher, trainer or involved in community learning are you looking for ways by which students can assist with the design of their learning environment?


This discussion seeks to promote an active and ongoing dialogue about how communities learn and how such learning might be stimulated and sustained. It is taken as axiomatic that community is understood as a set of diverse, often contested, social spaces from which both positive and negative social shaping influences can and do emerge.


1) Context: Community Learning



2) Community learning is guided by four components



  1. What engagement strategies are required to promote community learning?
  2. How can dialogue between diverse social stakeholders in contested social spaces be encouraged and sustained to promote community learning?
  3. What is the significance of trust building to these processes?
  4. How do diverse stakeholders make sense of their learning needs and apply what they learn to the benefit of the community?


3) Current work on community learning



4) PLW typology





5) PLWs contributing to community development and empowerment


Communication technologies are viewed as learning tools, media (spaces, and processes for building social capital

Stimulate community learning through:



Communities generate content suitable for the social and cultural contexts they generate.

Support community organisation, activities and action.



BOETTCHER, J. 2007. Ten Core Principles for Designing Effective Learning Environments: Insights from Brain Research and Pedagogical Theory. Innovate 3 (3). (accessed February 5, 2007).

LAVE, J. and WENGER, E. 1991. Situated Learning: Legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.

NIELSEN, C. 2002. Community Learning: Creating a Sustainable Future through Critical Awareness. Development Bulletin (58), pp. 102-105. Special issue: Environmental Sustainability and Poverty Reduction: Pacific Issues, edited by Pamela Thomas.